For the past 10 years or so wildfires have become more and more a part of our lives, impacting us either directly (the Waldo Canyon and Black Forest fires, poor air quality, etc.) or indirectly (e.g., Cameron Peak Fire in 2020 and most recently the Marshall Fire). As a result, the TPR HOA Board has decided to form a committee and launch an educational program for interested residents with a focus on beautifying the forest in our neighborhood and protecting property from wildfire. Jim and Nancy Casadevall have offered to lead the committee since they have firsthand experience dealing with wildfires that could be seen from their mountain home and they also previously lived in a Firewise community.
We asked the committee to identify local resources that could support an educational approach to forest health and fire mitigation. It turns out that Monument is the center of
significant resources for the State of Colorado, and the committee met with local representatives to learn more about organizing an educational program for interested TPR residents. The committee also met with a state forester who conducted a “drive through” of the TPR neighborhood. The forester noted some areas for improvement but also commented positively on wooded lots with healthy trees properly spaced. Following the drive through, the state forester said he could create a formal assessment, and the TPR board has now approved the funds required to move forward.
Firewise USA is a national recognition program that provides a collaborative framework to help
neighbors take action to increase the ignition resistance of their homes, property and community.
Other Benefits:
- Peace of mind knowing your property is better prepared to survive a wildfire.
- Defensible space can limit fire from advancing and endangering lives and property.
- Improved property values and possible insurance savings.